Sponsoring and Exhibitions
For further details concerning potential sponsorship opportunities at NanoteC, please contact us by email (chris.ewels@cnrs-imn.fr). The conference will host typically 100 delegates, all active researchers in the field of carbon based nanotechnology. This will provide an excellent opportunity to raise awareness amongst the research community of your products and expertise. Exhibition space will be available next to the area used for posters, which will be available for viewing throughout the conference. There will also be a timetabled poster session.
The following facilities are available for industrial sponsors:
- Exhibition Space including one free non-residential registration and inclusion of a corporate insert in all attendees registration packs.
- Poster Prize: In addition it is possible to sponsor keynote lectures, and the reception offered during the poster sessions. If you have other particular needs, ideas or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Regularly quoted in newspapers as being one of the nicest cities in France, Nantes is also renowned for being a rich, lively and innovative city. Its economic clout makes Nantes France's 3rd largest industrial city and 2nd most successful city in terms of employment growth. Nantes strikes a remarkable balance between historical heritage and innovation, way of life, economy and culture. Located at the mouth of the Loire river, Nantes is, by nature, a welcoming, creative and forward-looking city.
L'Université de Nantes a été créée sous sa forme actuelle par un décret officiel du 29 décembre 1961, mais trouve son origine dans l'Université de Bretagne fondée en 1461 par François II, duc de Bretagne. Pôle majeur d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche du Grand Ouest, l'Université de Nantes est l'une des grandes universités pluridisciplinaires françaises au sein de laquelle l'ensemble des champs du savoir sont représentés. Force d'innovation, l'Université de Nantes s'inscrit dans une dynamique d'excellence de la recherche à travers l'activité de ses près de 2 600 personnels dédiés à la recherche, 44 unités de recherche.
Renishaw is a recognised leader in Raman spectroscopy, producing high performance Raman systems for a range of applications. Raman spectroscopy is probably the most important analytical tool available for investigating the many different structures produced from carbon, and for studying the many 2D materials now known.
Attonuclei is a Nantes-based R&D company focusing on the development of nano-enabled products for its customers. Nanoproducts are novelties in today’s market, yet Attonuclei already has nearly 10 years experience in quantum dots and nanomaterials. Therefore, Attonuclei plans to advance “functionalized custom quantum dots” and associated fabrication techniques to the forefront of nanotechnology for tomorrow.
L'Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel rassemble plus de 130 chercheurs (chimistes, physiciens, ingénieurs des matériaux du CNRS et de l'Université de Nantes), personnels administratifs et techniques, et 90 contractuels pour la recherche. À travers la conception et la caractérisation de nouveaux matériaux, la démarche du laboratoire conduit à l'optimisation d'un large éventail de propriétés en vue d'applications, telles que les cellules photovoltaïques, les piles à combustibles, les batteries pour véhicules électriques, les nanotechnologies ou encore les matériaux pour mémoires, photoniques et optiques .
"Enabling Excellence" is an International Training Network receiving funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sk?odowska-Curie grant agreement No 642742. It is a project offering PhD training on graphene-based nanostructures. The project provides personalized complementary training through extended exchanges to academic and industrial European network partners, accompanied by activities to develop business and communication skills.
The British Carbon Group is a special interest group of the Royal Society of Chemistry , the Institute of Physics and the Society of Chemical Industry devoted to the advancement of carbon science. It is also a member of the European Carbon Association. In addition to physicists and chemists, the Group welcomes professional members from other disciplines with an interest in carbon.