
NanoteC17 has now finished. NanoteC18, the 20th anniversary NanoteC, will be at Sussex University at the end of August 2018, block the dates!

Programme Available

NantesNanoteC is one of the longest running series of international nanoscale carbon conferences in Europe (since 1998). It brings together scientists working with nanoscale carbon materials: nanotubes, graphene, diamond- and fullerene-related nanostructures. While each of these materials attracts its own dedicated community of researchers, NanoteC draws on common themes and allows researchers to share insight into this unique element at the nanoscale.

Elemental carbon shows remarkable variety in properties via simple covalent bonding, however other systems (for example containing nitrogen or metals) are becoming important and provide alternative components with unique mechanical and electronic properties. Nanotechnology requires an understanding of these materials on an atomic level and this will be the central theme.

In 2017 NanoteC was in Nantes, on the west coast of France.  The weekend the conference finishes, there was a huge free jazz festival with stages across Nantes (from classic to modern) – the perfect opportunity to chill-out after intense and interesting scientific discussions!


Invited Speakers

Ewan Campbell Peter Kruger Mildred Quintana  Gun-Do Lee  Miro_Haluska.png  Silvia Giordani    Ekaterine Obraztcova  Takashi Uchida

Doctor Ewen Campbell
University of Basel, Switzerland
'Ion Trapping and Fullerenes in Space'

Professor Silvia Giordani
University of Turin, Italy
'Carbon nanoparticles as nanoprobe for cancer therapy'

Doctor Miro Haluska
ETH Zürich, Switerland
"Monitoring of the integration process of individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes into sensing devices"

Professor Gun-Do Lee
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea
"Defect modelling and transformation in graphene"

Professor Ekaterina Obraztsova
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
"Structural and luminescent properties of needle-like diamond"

Professor Peter Krüger
Department of Nanoscience, Chiba University, Japan
"X-ray absorption and dichroism calculations of graphene and oxide nanoparticles"

Professor Mildred Quintana
San Luis Potosí University, Mexico
"Graphene based nanohybrids for energy applications"

Professor Takashi Uchida
Bio-Nano Electronics Research Centre, Toyo University, Kawagoe, Japan
'Metallic Endofullerenes'

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